IP for Business News – April 2022

Celebrating World IP Day

April 26 is World IP Day! The theme for 2022 is IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future. This year, CIPO encourages you to celebrate World IP Day by learning about the role IP plays in fostering innovation and creativity. To celebrate with CIPO, keep an eye out for our success stories and an upcoming webinar highlighting IP. To explore more, go to the World Intellectual Property Organization's website, and follow CIPO on Twitter to stay up to date.

Canadian IP Voices podcast – Episode 13: What exactly is a patent?

In episode 13 of Canadian IP Voices, Beatrice Sze, a patent examiner at the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), discusses the cornerstones of patents and considerations when filing for a patent application. Listen in to learn about the protection patents can provide, their business value and other IP rights to consider. You can listen now on CIPO's website, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Client satisfaction survey

CIPO will be conducting a comprehensive client satisfaction survey on the support CIPO offers in the area of patents, trademarks and industrial design. The survey is an opportunity for clients to provide feedback on areas of potential improvement for CIPO.

Email invitations will be sent by Environics Research, the firm administering the survey.

If you're interested in participating in the survey but don't receive an invitation, simply send an email to Environics.

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