NAICS 326191 Plastic plumbing fixtures

These statistics are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Principal Satistics
Year Establishments Shipments
($ millions)
Employment Imports
($ millions)
($ millions)
* Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada estimates
Source: Statistics Canada
Note: The step change in establishments observed in 2004 was due to a change by Statistics Canada in the minimum threshold size necessary for inclusion of establishments in the annual data. This change had only a minor impact on other Principal statistics.
2003 67 604 3,743 37 136
2004 110 639 3,481 40 129
2005 93 754 4,252 43 130
2006 93 760 4,203 55 118
2007 95 742 4,128 65 93
2008 92 588 3,668 77 76
2009 87 528 3,108 76 61
2010 87 650 3,160 82 55
2011 91 750 3,075 87 58
2012 91 * 987 * 3,075 * 95 61

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastic plumbing fixtures.


  • Bathroom fixtures
  • Cultured marble plumbing fixtures
  • Hot tubs of plastics or fibreglass
  • Plumbing fixtures (for example, bathtubs, shower stalls, sinks, toilets, urinals) of plastics or fibreglass

Exclusion(s): Establishments primarily engaged in:

  • manufacturing plastic pipes and pipe fittings (326122, Plastic Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing).