Form 56—Notice to Creditors and Report to Official Receiver on Deemed Annulment of Consumer Proposal

For persons to which the 2009 amendments do not apply

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Form 56

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(Subsection 66.31(1) of the Act)

(Title Form 1)

Take notice that:

  1. Space to insert name of consumer debtor , the consumer debtor, of the consumer proposal dated the Space to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year, is in default to the extent of at least three months of the following payments:

    (Give details of default on payments.)

  2. The Space to insert name of Court Court of Space to insert province (province) in Bankruptcy having made no order to the contrary and no amendment to the consumer proposal having previously been filed, the consumer proposal is deemed to have been annulled, by virtue of subsection 66.31(1) of the Act, on theSpace to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year.

    As a consequence of the deemed annulment of the consumer proposal:

    • (a) the consumer debtor is not entitled to make another consumer proposal until all claims for which proofs of claim were filed are either paid in full or are extinguished by the operation of subsection 178(2) of the Act; and
    • (b) the rights of the creditors of the consumer debtor are revived for the amount of their claims less any dividends received.

Dated at Space to insert city , this Space to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year .

Space to insert signature of administrator of consumer proposal
Administrator of Consumer Proposal


If a copy of this Notice is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document.