Industry Canada File Sharing Survey


The Intellectual Property Policy Directorate (IPPD) has the primary responsibility in Industry Canada for the development and coordination of marketplace framework policies related to intellectual property policy including copyright laws. IPPD's role is to advise the Minister of Industry and senior departmental officials on intellectual property matters except for patents (which fall under the responsibility of the Patent Policy Directorate (PPD)), and together with other interested federal departments, to develop specific policy proposals and legislative initiatives in these areas.

Along with the Copyright Policy Branch at Canadian Heritage, IPPD develops significant policies on copyright matters. IPPD also works closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and provides key Canadian representation on intellectual property issues internationally.

The Copyright Act (the Act) encourages the creation and dissemination of original material by granting to creators the right to derive income from and control certain uses of their material. However, to further other economic and social objectives and to ensure widespread dissemination and reasonable access to the ideas embodied in the material, the Act also limits the scope and duration of these rights. Given the Act's importance as part of the overall economic framework, and as a means for promoting innovation and R&D through knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination, it plays a central role in Industry Canada's (IC's) mandate to enhance Canadian participation in the knowledge economy.


Industry Canada has commissioned a Decima Research survey to collect data on the music purchasing and Internet peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing activities of Canadians. The objective of the survey was to fill a major data gap in Canada on the issue of music file sharing activities of Canadians.

While there is growing literature on file sharing via P2P and its impact on pre-recorded music sales, none of the existing studies has analyzed Canadian data, let alone focused on the Canadian case. One of the reasons for this is the absence of reliable Canadian data.

Anticipated Outcomes

The data will be used in a statistical analysis intended to quantify the relationship between music consumption and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and other socio-economic variables, such as age, gender and income.

The results will be taken into consideration, along with other information and analysis, and will inform Industry Canada's policy development work.

Research Information


Telephone interviews were conducted with 2 100 randomly selected Canadians (15 years and older) across the country between April and June 2006. The questionnaire was developed by Industry Canada in collaboration with an outside consultant and Decima Research. The questionnaire was pre-tested in both official languages.

Telephone survey of 2,100 Canadians – 1,000 who download music files over the Internet and 1,100 who do not.

Research Firm: Decima Research
Contract Number: U5500-050472
Contract Issued by: Public Works and Government Services Canada
Contract Value: $112,356.86

Music File Sharing Study 2006—Methodology Report—August 31, 2006

Registration number: POR-335-05
Contract number: U5500-050472

Proprietary Warning

The information contained herein is proprietary to Industry Canada and may not be used, reproduced or disclosed to others except as specifically permitted in writing by the originator of the information. The recipient of this information, by its retention and use, agrees to protect the same and the information contained therein from loss, theft or compromise. Any material or information provided by Industry Canada and all data collected by Decima will be treated as confidential by Decima and will be stored securely while on Decima's premise (adhering to industry standards and applicable laws).

Decima Research

2345 Yonge Street
Suite 405
Toronto, Ontario  M4P 2E5
Telephone: 416-962-2013
Fax: 416-962-0505

160 Elgin Street
Suite 1820
Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 2P7
Telephone: 613-230-2200
Fax: 613-230-9048

1080 Beaver Hall Hill
Suite 400
Montreal, Quebec  H2Z 1S8
Telephone: 514-288-0037
Fax: 514-288-0138

Decima Research Inc. is ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Table of Contents

IntroductionMethodologyAppendix: Call Disposition Report



The widespread phenomenon of music file sharing over the Internet began in 1999, with the creation of the Napster program. This was a software program that could be downloaded onto a personal computer from the Internet free of charge, allowing users to exchange mp3 format audio files. Napster was the very first peer-to-peer (P2P) computer software programs, requiring a central server to connect users. The current generation of P2P networks does not operate through a central server, as each user establishes contact with others directly.

There is a growing literature on music file sharing and its impact on prerecorded music sales. However, none of the existing studies have analyzed Canadian data, let alone focused on the Canadian case. The primary reason for this is the absence of Canadian data.

An effective means of collecting data on the variables of interest is through a survey of Canadians. Ultimately, this survey will help Industry Canada derive accurate and statistically reliable metrics around the following:

  • Counts of the number of files shared over the selected time period;
  • Purchases of pre-recorded music products (PMPs) over the selected time period;
  • Number of Canadians who purchase PMPs; and
  • Number of Canadians who engage in music file sharing activity.


The purpose of this document is to detail the methodological considerations used in collecting this data. It clearly outlines assumptions used, procedures followed, and why certain decisions were made in mapping this data.



This survey was conducted using a traditional telephone survey data collection methodology (CATI — Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing). Specific dimensions of the research included:

  • 2,100 telephone interviews with Canadian households over the period spanning April 19th through May 20th;
  • National representation with special consideration by age, gender and region;
  • Interviews were segmented based on whether or not the respondent had downloaded free music from a P2P (peer-to-peer) network during 2005;
  • Quota-based, weighted distribution;
  • Average survey length of 10 minutes;
  • Interviews were conducted with respondents 15 years of age and older;
  • Respondents were informed that the survey was being conducted by Decima Research on behalf of Industry Canada (i.e. sponsorship revealed study).

Sampling Distribution

A stratified, quota-based sampling approach was used, since this generates substantive estimates across and within specific key segments of interest, which in turn permits extrapolation to the broader population with greater confidence. Previous research suggests that music purchasing and file sharing behaviours tend to differ according to a person's mother tongue, gender and age. Quotas were therefore set by controlling for age, gender and region, where region is used as a proxy for mother tongue — that is, Quebec is treated as Francophone. Furthermore, given the importance of understanding behaviours among both music downloaders and nondownloaders, quotas were introduced to control for this as well.

The grid below summarizes the final sample distribution across the quota cells. Industry Canada requested 1,000 responses for both downloader and non-downloader segments and approximately 100 responses per quota cell in order to meet desired standards of statistical reliability.

Sampling Distribution
Region Age/Gender Downloaders Non-downloaders Total
Quebec Male 160 125 285
Male 25+ 90 125 215
Female 160 125 285
Female 25+ 90 131 221
Total Quebec 500 506 1006
Rest of Canada Male 160 132 292
Male 25+ 90 153 243
Female 160 133 293
Female 25+ 90 176 266
Total Rest of Canada 500 594 1094
Total 1000 1100 2100

The maximum margins of error associated with the above segmentation are as follows:

Sampling Distribution
Population Segment Sample size Margin of error
Downloaders or non-downloaders N=~1000 +/- 3.1%
Quebec or Rest of Canada N=~1000 +/- 3.1%
Downloaders or non-downloaders in each region N=~500 +/- 4.4%
Males or females under 25 in each region N=~285 +/- 5.8%
Males or females over 24 in each region N=~215 +/- 6.7%
Non-downloaders within each age, region and gender segment N=~125 +/- 8.8%
Downloaders within each age and region segment, under 25 N=160 +/- 7.8%
Downloaders within each age and region segment, over 24 N=90 +/- 10.3%

Research Material Design

The questions for the survey were designed in conjunction with the Industry Canada team, using the following iterative process:

  • Industry Canada initially provided Decima Research with a draft questionnaire for review. Decima then provided recommendations regarding language used, survey flow, skip patterns, programming and interviewing instructions. An updated draft version was subsequently returned to Industry Canada, who then made modifications accordingly. Once all parties were satisfied that the questionnaire was ready to be pre-tested, the survey was programmed using CATI software.


A pre-test was performed with 23 English and 23 French respondents. The general purpose of this pre-test was to evaluate respondents' comprehension of the questions, the completeness of the response categories, and overall response to the survey (…is there anything that might make respondents uncomfortable or angry? …are certain questions generating an abnormally high amount of non-response?). Further, two versions of the draft questionnaire were tested — "Version A", which asked respondents toestimate the total number of items purchased over a specified period (e.g. number of CDs purchased in 2005) and "Version B", which asked respondents to specify the total amount spent (e.g. amount spent on CDs in 2005). Respondents were randomly selected to receive either "Version A" or "Version B".

The distribution of surveys by version and by language is as follows:

  Version A Version B
English 10 13
French 12 11
Total 22 24

Following the pre-test, Decima provided a summary of the results and recommendations for modification to the questionnaire. Among other issues, the pre-test revealed that ‘Version A' was easier for respondents to answer. Based on the pre-test results, a number of modifications were made to the questionnaire.

Sample Selection and Contact

Sample Selection

Decima created the sampling frame using Canada Survey Sampler (CSS). CSS is a proprietary selection engine specifically designed to generate a random sample of telephone numbers to be dialed. The CSS maintains a comprehensive list of all populated exchanges across Canada, and is updated on a regular basis.

The CSS works by randomly generating 4-digit suffixes for these exchanges. These suffixes are generated in proportion to the percent population of the individual exchanges (i.e. a 90% populated exchange would experience twice as many 'hits' as a 45% populated exchange). As each suffix is generated, it is compared to the database of existing known phone numbers. If it matches a listed phone number, it is placed into the 'valid number' file. If not, it is placed in the 'orphan' file. Decima uses the valid number file as its primary calling list. This list is then supplemented with numbers from the orphan list. As with the random generation above, numbers are chosen from the orphan list in proportion to the percent population of the exchanges.

The supplementing of the sample file with the orphan file is intended to ensure that our sample scheme accurately emulates what is know as a 'Waksberg' RDD design, but is more efficient because it more effectively includes unlisted and new telephone numbers while significantly reducing the number of ineligible "not in service", fax and cell phone numbers that would normally be encountered with conventional RDD methods.

Respondent Selection

Because interviews tend to be completed by an adult in the household (notably those 20 years of age or older), once a household was contacted, the respondent was asked whether there was anyone in the household between the ages of 15 and 19 who could complete the survey, to ensure sufficient representation of this younger cohort within the youth segment.

Survey Administration

All interviewing was conducted through Decima's field division, Opinion Search, which operates one of the largest and most sophisticated research data collection operations in Canada. From its offices in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, Decima utilizes 325 state-of-the-art computer-assisted-telephone-interviewing (CATI) stations, which are fully networked and utilize sophisticated VOXCO technology that is among the most powerful on the market today.

Interviewing was conducted in English and French, based on the expressed preference of the respondent. Up to eight call-backs were made to each eligible or potentially eligible household during the interview period before classifying it as "not available." Fifteen percent of all calls were monitored by the supervisory staff. Frequency checks were administered throughout the data collection period to ensure that all questions were correctly programmed.

Sample Management

Sample was allocated in small segments and exhausted before new sample was substituted. All contact dispositions were tracked and recorded in the sample database. In many instances, the system automatically allocated sample records in response to recorded disposition. For example, the system automatically rescheduled callbacks for "no answers" and "busy" dispositions in a pre-set pattern to compensate for potential non-response on the occasions when individuals were not at home or their lines busy. For example, unanswered calls in the early evening could be scheduled for another day later in the evening; a weekend call could be scheduled for weekday evening and vice versa. For busy line signals, the schedule was created to re-attempt the record within a set time frame that same day. This entire process is consistent with the PWGSC standing offer for public opinion research.

Sample Weighting

Decima uses well-defined procedures for calculating weighting factors, based on established methodological standards and extensive experience in sample weighting on over literally hundreds of projects. This procedure involves calculating the actual population within each quota segment (region, age group, gender and downloader status), and the true proportion of the sample that would fall into each segment if the survey were conducted in strictly a random basis (based on the most current population statistics available from Statistics Canada). Into this number is divided the actual segment sub-sample to produce a weighting factor that is then used to "weight" the data for that segment. While there are various ways of accomplishing this task, this procedure is the most straightforward and effective.

In this instance, the actual population of downloaders vs. non-downloaders was not known (or was not considered reliable). Thus, these proportions were estimated based on how sampling "naturally" occurred at the beginning of the survey period (i.e. up to the last day before any quota cells were closed). Details of this process are outlined in two steps.

Step 1. First, the true population proportions are determined by taking into account age, gender, region and downloader status, since these are the variables on which the quotas were based.

Using Statistics Canada Census 2001 data, we know the population proportions by age, gender and region, as seen below:

Sample weighting
  Canada Quebec Atlantic Ontario West
Male Under 25 2,034,430 482,000 154,505 754,555 643,355
Male 25+ 9,741,425 2,391,760 747,850 3,677,835 2,924,095
Female Under 25 1,974,705 467,480 153,125 733,275 620,800
Female 25+ 10,530,965 2,604,635 819,730 4,011,665 3,094,940

For the downloader status, we look at the quota cells in the earlier days of the study before any of the quota cells were closed, since this is our best indicator of how the proportions naturally fall out when random calling is used. This distribution is seen below, and is based on a sample size of n=691 overall:

Sample weighting
Type Quota Completed Distribution
320 50 7.2%
25+, Downloader, Male 180 64 9.3%
250 42 6.1%
25+, Non-Downloader, Male 250 176 25.5%
320 31 4.5%
25+, Downloader, Female 180 53 7.7%
250 51 7.4%
25+, Non-Downloader, Female 250 224 32.4%

We assumed that the distribution within each region would follow the same pattern (because the overall sample size was relatively low, it was not feasible to look at the natural distribution within each region). Based on the national distribution, we calculated the population distribution within each region. Calculations for Quebec are provided in the table below.

Sample weighting
Quota (Quebec) Distribution Population
7% 43,0237 Footnote *
25+, Downloader, Male 9% 550,703
6% 361,399
25+, Non-Downloader, Male 25% 1,514,434
4% 266,747
25+, Downloader, Female 8% 456,051
7% 438,842
25+, Non-Downloader, Female 32% 1,927,462

For the final proportions, we needed to make them representative of the entire targeted Canadian population.

Sample weighting
Quota (Quebec) Population Canada Population Proportion within Canada
430,237 24,281,525 2%
25+, Downloader, Male 550,703 24,281,525 2%
361,399 24,281,525 1%
25+, Non-Downloader, Male 1,514,434 24,281,525 6%
266,747 24,281,525 1%
25+, Downloader, Female 456,051 24,281,525 2%
438,842 24,281,525 2%
25+, Non-Downloader, Female 1,927,462 24,281,525 8%

Step 2. Finally, we looked at our true sample numbers for each group within each province. For example, we collected 160

Follow-Up Qualitative Analysis (Post-Hoc)

Quotas for this study were based on a set of questions asked at the beginning of the survey to categorize the respondents into their respective quota cells. In order to keep survey costs at a minimum, calls made to individuals that fall into a "filled" quota cell are terminated as we continue to target the harder-to-reach quota cells.

A general set of questions related to music behaviour are asked upfront, which are then used for skip logic so that, for example, a respondent who did not purchase any CDs in 2005 will not be asked questions related to CD purchasing behaviour later on in the survey.

Similarly, our downloader screening question was asked in this early section of our survey, where we ask the respondent, "Did you download music from P2P (person-to-person) networks in 2005?", where the respondent had the option of giving a "yes" or "no" answer. Those who answered "yes" were asked questions in "Section 4: The Effects of Unauthorized mp3 Downloading".

Question 4.1b of the survey asks, "How many free music tracks did you download from P2P networks in an average month in 2005 " Normally, it is expected that 1%-3% of respondents arrive at this section, and then give a "don't know" or non-behavioural response (i.e. zero downloads). In this instance, 246 of our 1,000 quota gave a "zero" response or answered "don't know". Given the magnitude of this proportion of respondents, additional analysis was warranted to better understand true downloading behaviour. Post-hoc analyses were conducted to determine if these individuals should be categorized as downloaders or non-downloaders.

"Don't Know" Responses

Respondents who answered "don't know" are deemed to be downloaders for two main reasons:

  1. Direct comparisons with the downloader group (i.e. those who gave a valid numeric response to Q4.1b) revealed that profiles of the two groups were similar across a variety of demographics, including age, student status, high interest in music, and proficiency with using the Internet; and
  2. Response patterns among those who answered "don't know" revealed that this response was common to these respondents throughout the survey, more specifically with those questions that asked for a numeric response.

"Zero" Responses

The more complex group to profile were those who answered "zero" to Q4.1b. We decided to go back into field and target those respondents who answered "zero" to Q4.1b. The following question was asked:

"In the survey, a number of Canadians indicated that during 2005 they downloaded free music from P2P file sharing networks, like Kazaa, LimeWire or Archambeault. But then when we asked them to specify the number of free music tracks they downloaded in an average month during 2005, many individuals answered 'zero'. So we're calling some Canadians back to try and understand this disconnect. We have identified a variety of possible reasons. Let me know if any of these apply to you. Is it because…"

In this qualitative exercise, twenty-five respondents were targeted over the course of two evenings, and in answering this question, the intention was to help us understand how these individuals should be categorized for the analysis – that is, as downloaders or non-downloaders.

The reasons for the 'zero' responses can be divided into three main areas: they download sporadically, and not on a regular, monthly basis; they used to download from P2P networks but do not any longer and they do not download from P2P networks at all. Another less common reason is that they download few songs per year (i.e. less than one per month).

Based on these qualitative findings, we decided to assign these respondents a "downloader" status as well, with the subtle distinction being that they are not "regular" downloaders.

Appendix: Call Disposition Report

The chart below identifies the number of total attempted calls and the nature of these calls.

Appendix: Call Disposition Report
A (1-14) Total Attempted 44186
1 Not in service 4508
2 Fax 711
3 Invalid#/Wrong# 1,496
B (4-14) Total Eligible 37,471
4 Busy 273
5 Answering machine 6,327
6 No answer 4,846
7 Language barrier 855
8 Ill/Incapable 376
9 Eligible not available/Callback 2,032
C (10-14) Total Asked 22,762
10 Household/Company Refusal 6,516
11 Respondent Refusal 10,369
12 Qualified Termination 186
D (13-14) Co-operative Contact 5,691
13 Not Qualified 3,591
14 Completed Interview 2,100
  Refusal Rate 75.00
  (10+11+12) / C  
  Response Rate 15.19
  D (13-14) / B (4-14)  
  Incidence * 38.90
  [(14+12) / (13+14+12)]*100  

Music File Sharing Survey Questionnaire for Canada

Decima Final Questionnaire
April 11, 2006

0. Entry question

Good [morning/evening], my name is _______ and I'm calling from Decima Research. We are conducting a survey on behalf of the Government of Canada's Department of Industry. This is a national survey to obtain data on Canadians' music purchasing and listening habits. Your telephone number was randomly selected and all responses will be kept strictly confidential and analysed in the aggregate. Would you have time to help us out this [morning/evening]?

1. Screening/Profiling

1.1 Is there anyone in your household currently between the ages of 15 and 19 inclusive? We are looking to complete surveys with young Canadians to gain their unique insights — would it be possible to complete the survey with this individual?

Nobody of this age 1 Continue with original respondent
Speaking 2 Go to main survey [skip to 1.3]
Gets the person 3 Repeat intro
Refusal 4 Thank and terminate

1.2 Could you tell me whether you are under 25 years old or 25 years of age or older?

24 years old or younger
25 years old or older

1.3 Since this survey is going to revolve around music habits of Canadians, I'd like to ask you about the ways in which you acquired music during 2005. If you are in any way uncertain of the meaning of any terminology referred to in this survey, please do not hesitate to ask me for clarification. Please indicate whether you obtain music in the following ways:

Yes No
a) Buy music CDs. 1 2
b) Buy music tracks from pay-sites like iTunes or Archambault 1 2
c) Download free music from promotional websites [If necessary: For example, or a band's website] 1 2
d) Download free music from P2P file sharing networks, like Kazaa or LimeWire [If necessary: Other examples are eDonkey, BearShare and Gnutella] 1 2
e) Copy MP3s from friends. 1 2
f) Rip songs from CDs [If necessary: Copy CDs onto your computer] 1 2
g) Download music from peoples' private Internet websites [If necessary: Personal non-commercial websites whose content can be downloaded free of charge] 1 2

2. Music purchasing and pricing

[Skip to 2.2 if did not purchase CD albums in 2005 (1.3a1)]

2.1 (a) In 2005, how many music CDs did you buy for your personal use?

(No categories provided)


Respondents to be first asked 2.1a, and if unable to provide answer, ask a2.1b. Should not be an answer for both questions. Intention is to minimize "Don't know" responses.

2.1 (b) Would you say that the number of music CDs that you purchased for your personal use in 2005 was… [Read list]

Music purchasing and pricing
None 0
1 to 2 1
3 to 5 2
6 to 10 3
11 to 15 4
16 to 20 5
21 to 30 6
31 or more 7

2.2 (Ask if 2.1a0 or 2.1b0)

Did you purchase more, less or about the same number of music CDs for your personal use in 2005, as compared to 2004?

(Ask if 2.1a=0 or 2.1b=0 or 1.31)

Did you purchase less or about the same number of music CDs for your personal use in 2005, as compared to 2004?

Music purchasing and pricing
More 1 (Not if 2.1a=0 or 2.1b=0 or 1.31)
Less 2
Same 3

2.3 (Ask if 2.2=1 or 2)

How many [More/Fewer] music CDs did you purchase for your personal use in 2005, as compared to 2004?


[Skip 2.4 if (2.1a=0 or 2.1b=0) or (1.3a1)]

2.4 What was the price per CD purchased during 2005?


[Skip 2.5 if (1.3a1 or 2.1a=0) and (2.2=3)]

2.5 (a) Did the average price of music CDs increase, decrease or stay the same in 2005, as compared to 2004?

Music purchasing and pricing
Stayed the same3

(b) By how much did the price of music CDs [Increase/Decrease] in 2005, as compared to 2004?


[Skip 2.6 if do not purchase CDs (Q1.3a1)]

2.6 (a) In 2005, how many music CDs did you buy as gifts for family or friends?

(No categories provided)


Respondents to be first asked 2.6a, and if unable to provide answer, ask a2.6b.

2.6 (b) Would you say that the number of music CDs that you purchased as gifts in 2005 was…

Read list:

Music purchasing and pricing
None 0
1 to 2 1
3 to 5 2
6 to 10 3
11 to 15 4
16 or more 5

[Skip 2.7 if (1.3f1)]

2.7 (a) In an average month during 2005, how many music CDs did you rip? [If necessary: That is, how many CDs did you copy onto your computer?]


(b) In an average month during 2004, how many music CDs did you rip?


Paid Music Downloads

[Skip 2.8 if (1.3b1)]

2.8 (a) In an average month during 2005, how many paid music tracks did you purchase from pay-sites such as iTunes or Archambault ?


Respondents to be first asked 2.8a, and if unable to provide answer, ask 2.8b.

2.8 (b) In an average month during 2005, would you say that the number of paid music tracks you purchased from pay-sites was…

[Read if necessary: Pay sites include iTunes, PureTracks, Archambault and Napster]
[Read if necessary: Music track formats include MP3, AAC and WMA]

Read list:

Music purchasing and pricing
None 0
1 to 5 1
6 to 10 2
11 to 20 3
21 to 50 4
51 or more 5

2.9 Did you purchase ["more" Not if 2.8a=0 or 2.8b=0 or 1.3b1], less or about the same number of paid music tracks in 2005, as compared to 2004?

[Read if necessary: Pay sites include: iTunes, PureTracks, Archambault and Napster]

Music purchasing and pricing
More 1 (Not if 2.8a=0 or 2.8=0 or 1.3b1)
Less 2
Same 3

2.10 [Ask if 2.9=1 or 2] How many [More/Fewer] paid music tracks did you purchase in 2005, as compared to 2004?


[Skip 2.11 if (2.8a=0 or 2.8b=0 or 1.3b1)]

2.11 Thinking of the paid music tracks that you purchased from pay sites in 2005:

[Read if necessary: Pay sites include iTunes, PureTracks, Archambault and Napster]

What was the price per track in 2005?


[Skip 2.12 if (2.8a=0 or 2.8b=0) and (2.9=3)]

2.12 Did the price of paid music tracks increase, decrease or stay the same in 2005, as compared to 2004?

[Read if necessary: Pay sites include iTunes, PureTracks, Archambault and Napster]

Music purchasing and pricing
Increased 1
Decreased 2
Stayed the same 3

2.13 (Ask if 2.12=1 or 2) By how much did the price of paid music tracks [Increase/Decrease] in 2005, as compared to 2004?


3. Substitute Entertainment Goods

3.1 (a) Did you purchase any non-writable DVDs for your personal use during 2005?

Substitute entertainment goods
Yes 1
No 2

(b) [Ask if 3.1a=1] How many DVDs did you purchase during 2005? ____________(#)

(c) [Ask if 3.1a=1] What was the average price per DVD? ___________($)

3.2 (a) Did you purchase any video games for your personal use during 2005?

Substitute entertainment goods
Yes 1
No 2

(b) [Ask if 3.2a=1] How many video games did you purchase during 2005? ____________(#)

(c) [Ask if 3.2a=1] What was the average price per video game? ______________($)

3.3 (a) Did you go to the cinema during 2005?

Substitute entertainment goods
Yes 1
No 2

(b) [Ask if 3.3a=1] How many movies did you go to during 2005? ____________(#)

(c) [Ask if 3.3a=1] What was the average price per movie ticket? _______________($)

3.4 (a) Did you attend any live concerts during 2005?

Substitute entertainment goods
Yes 1
No 2

(b) [Ask if 3.4a=1] How many live concerts did you attend during 2005? _________(#)

(c) [Ask if 3.4a=1] What was the average concert ticket price? ____________($)

4. The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
SourceAverage #/month in 2005 (i)And how many per month in 2004? (ii)
4.1a. (Skip if 1.3c1) How many free music tracks did you download from promotional websites in an average month during 2005? (If necessary: For example, or a band's website)?
4.1b. (Skip if 1.3d1) How many free music tracks did you download from P2P networks in an average month during 2005? (Read if necessary: Examples of P2P networks are Kazaa, eDonkey and LimeWire)
4.1c. (Skip if 1.3g1) How many free music tracks did you download from peoples' private Internet websites in an average month during 2005?
4.1.d. (Skip if 1.3e1) How many MP3 files did you copy from friends or family in an average month during 2005?

[Skip to 4.9 if no P2P downloading (4.1bi=0 and 4.1bii=0)]

4.2 Please indicate how frequently you use each of the following for storing MP3 files that you acquire. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where '1' means 'you never use this storage method' and '10' means 'you always use this storage method'.

(a) Hard drive/ CPU
(b) Portable hard drive or memory stick
(c) Portable MP3 player
(d) On writable CDs
(e) On writable DVDs

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Never use







Always use
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4.3 (skip if 4.1bi=0) Considering the songs that you downloaded from P2P networks during 2005:

(a) What percentage did you purchase as paid music tracks from pay-sites?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they did not subsequently purchase any tracks; 100% means that they subsequently purchased all tracks]


(b) What percentage did you purchase as part of a music CD?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they did not purchase any tracks as part of a CD; 100% means that they purchased all tracks as part of a CD]


4.4 (skip if 4.1bi=0) Considering the songs that you downloaded for free from P2P networks during 2005:

(a) What percentage would you have purchased as paid music tracks if they were not available through P2P networks?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they would not purchase any tracks; 100% means that they would purchase all tracks]


(b) What percentage would you have purchased as part of a music CD if they were not available through P2P networks?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they would not purchase any tracks; 100% means that they would purchase all tracks]


4.5 (skip if 4.1bi=0) What percentage of songs downloaded from P2P networks do you erase after listening to them only once or twice?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they keep all music that is downloaded; 100% means they erase all music that they downloaded]

__________________ %

4.6 (a) (skip if 4.1bi=0) If the price of paid music tracks from sites like iTunes were reduced by half, do you believe you would download fewer or about the same number of free music tracks from P2P networks?

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Fewer 1
Same 2 [Skip to 4.8]

4.7 (b) By what percentage would you reduce your free downloads from P2P networks?

[Interviewer note: 0% means that they would not reduce at all; 100% means they would completely stop downloading from P2P]


4.8 (skip if 4.1bi=0) Thinking of the music tracks that you downloaded from P2P networks during 2005, what percentage did you download because:

(a) The song was not available in stores or from pay sites.
(b) You did not want to buy the whole album.
(c) You wanted to hear the song before buying it.
(d) The song or album cost too much.
(e) Other. Please specify:____________

4.9 (a) Between 2004 and 2005, do you feel that the quality of music improved, declined or stayed the same? By "quality" I am referring only to musical content.

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Improved 1
Declined 2
Stayed the same 3

(b) Over the course of 2005, do you feel that the quality of music improved, declined or stayed the same?

[Repeat if necessary: By "quality" I am referring only to musical content]

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Improved 1
Declined 2
Stayed the same 3

4.10 How would you describe your interest in listening to music? Would you describe it as…

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Very strong 1
Somewhat strong 2
Moderate 3
Somewhat limited 4
Very limited 5

4.11 How would you describe your skill level in using the Internet?

The Effects of unauthorized MP3 downloading and Miscellaneous
Very skilled 1
Skilled 2
Somewhat skilled 3
Not very skilled 4
Not at all skilled 5


I have just a few final questions that will help us analyze the results…

D1 Please stop me at the age category to which you belong: (Read and pause after each)

15 to 19 1
20 to 24 2
25 to 34 3
35 to 44 4
45 to 54 5
55 to 64 6
or over 64 7

D2 Please stop me at the highest level of schooling you have attained: (Read and pause after each)

Less than grade 9 1
Some high school grades 2
Completed high school 3
Some college, technical school (Quebec: CEGEP) 4
Completed college, technical school (Quebec: CEGEP) 5
Some university 6
Graduated university 7
Graduate degree (Masters, Ph.D.) 8

D3 Which of the following best describes you? Are you…? (Read and pause after each)

A student 1
Working full-time, which is 35 hours or more per week 2
Working part-time, which is less than 35 hours per week) 3
Not employed at the present time 4
Not able to work 5
A homemaker 6
or retired 7
Other (specify) 77

Ask if D3=1 (students only)

D4 Do you work…

Full-time 1
Part-time 2
I do not work 3

D5 Which of the following categories best reflects your household's total income before taxes in 2005. That means the total income earned by all those living in your home?

Under $10 000


$10 000 to less than $20,000 1
$20,000 to less than $40,000 2
$40,000 to less than $60,000 3
$60,000 or more 4

D6 Compared to your total household income in 2004, did your total household income in 2005…
(Read list)

Increase 1
Decrease 2
Stay the same 3

D7 (If D6=1 or 2) In either percentages or dollars, how much did your total household income in 2005 [Increase/Decrease] from 2004?

__________% or $____________

D8 code gender of respondent (Do not ask)

Male 1
Female 2

D9 Language of survey (Recorded by CATI)

English 1
French 2

Industry Canada Music File Sharing Study 2006

Date: August 2006
Decima Research Inc.

Table of Contents


QRegn.  Regions — for quotas

Base: All Respondents
Banner 1
   DL/N-DL Region Age Gender Downloader by Region Downloader by Age Age by Gender
 Total Down
Quebec ROC  25 25+ Men Women DL-

Comparison Groups: BC/ DE/ FG/ HI/ JKLM/ NOPQ/ RSTU
Independent T-Test for Means, Independent Z-Test for Percentages
Upper case letters indicate significance at the 95% level.
"*" Denotes Chi-Square where at least one cell has an expected value of less than 1 or more than 20% of the cells have an expected value of less than 5.

Unweighted 'N'2,1001,0001,1001,0061,0941,1559451,0351,065500500506594640360515585577458578487
8%8%8% 10%8%8%8%8% 10% 10%8%8%8%8%8%8%8%8%
24%24%24%100% 24%24%24%24%100% 100% 24%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%
38%38%38% 50%38%38%38%38% 50% 50%38%38%38%38%38%38%38%38%
Manitoba/ Saskatchewan17359114173451288192591142732189625562072
8%10%8% 11%9%8%8%8% 13% 10%11%9%7%8%9%8%8%9%
10%12%10% 14%13%10%10%11% 15% 13%12%11%13%9%12%9%13%10%
British Columbia23852186238471921241145218617352915725992193
11%9%12% 15%9%12%12%10% 11% 16%7%10%10%13%9%14%9%11%
  B   F     K   N RT  
Chi-Square Significance 
 88%*100%*82%* 26%* 100%* 60%*30%*

Q1.3a.  Did you buy music CDs during 2005?

Base: All Respondents
Banner 1
   DL/N-DL Region Age Gender Downloader by Region Downloader by Age Age by Gender
 Total Down
Quebec ROC  25 25+ Men Women DL-

Comparison Groups: BC/ DE/ FG/ HI/ JKLM/ NOPQ/ RSTU
Independent T-Test for Means, Independent Z-Test for Percentages
Upper case letters indicate significance at the 95% level.

Unweighted 'N'2,1001,0001,1001,0061,0941,1559451,0351,065500500506594640360515585577458578487
  B   FI    JK   NOP RTU  
Don't Know/ Refused404040404040404
*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%  *%*%  *%*%  *%
Chi-Square Significance 

Q1.3b.  Did you buy music tracks from pay-sites like iTunes or Archambault during 2005?

Base: All Respondents
Banner 1
   DL/N-DL Region Age Gender Downloader by Region Downloader by Age Age by Gender
 Total Down
Quebec ROC  25 25+ Men Women DL-

Comparison Groups: BC/ DE/ FG/ HI/ JKLM/ NOPQ/ RSTU
Independent T-Test for Means, Independent Z-Test for Percentages
Upper case letters indicate significance at the 95% level.

Unweighted 'N'2,1001,0001,1001,0061,0941,1559451,0351,065500500506594640360515585577458578487
 C   G   LMLM  PQPQ    U 
  B        JKMJK  NONO   T
Don't Know/ Refused111101111056110119515
1%*%1% 1%*%1%1%1% *% 1% *%*%1% 1%*%1%
Chi-Square Significance 

Q1.3d.  Did you download free music from P2P file sharing networks, like Kazaa or LimeWire during 2005?

Base: All Respondents
Banner 1
   DL/N-DL Region Age Gender Downloader by Region Downloader by Age Age by Gender
 Total Down
Quebec ROC  25 25+ Men Women DL-

Comparison Groups: BC/ DE/ FG/ HI/ JKLM/ NOPQ/ RSTU
Independent T-Test for Means, Independent Z-Test for Percentages
Upper case letters indicate significance at the 95% level.

Unweighted 'N'2,1001,0001,1001,0061,0941,1559451,0351,065500500506594640360515585577458578487
29%100% 29%29%47%23%34%23%100%100%  100%100%  54%27%38%19%
     G I         STUUSU 
71% 99%71%71%53%77%65%77%  100%99%  100%99%45%72%62%81%
      F H         RTRRST
Don't Know/ Refused880817800817170
*% 1%*%1%*%*%1%*%  *%1%  *%1%*%1%*% 
Chi-Square Significance 