Dave Campbell

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Why spy on Canadians? Is it in order to appease American content companies? Because they're the only realistic winners here. Don't spy on Canadians. Why attempt to regulate other online expression that already has reasonable protections and is working just fine? Canadians don't want this.

Just... don't. Don't do any of it. Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. Don't have ISPs try to block pirate sites, or whatever other dumb measures are being considered to prop up someone's dying business model. And don't bring it up again in 2 years.

Here's a thought: do a survey. Find out what percentage of Canadians think the government or ISPs or media conglomerates should be telling us what web sites we can visit. We're a democracy, right? I mean, all of us (at least those of us not being expressly dishonest) know how that survey would go. Canadians in general don't want any of this, and the people pushing these measures absolutely don't care and this is because they have an obvious monetary interest. 

If the CRTC is bored, why not have them do something that would make Canadians happy? Like, do something about spam phone calls (after 60 years of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING effective to protect Canadian consumers on that front). Everyone involved in regulating telecom in Canada should be embarrassed by their continued failure on that front. But we're not talking about that are we? That's because the CRTC clearly, obviously only cares about what media companies tell them to care about.

Please don't do it. Don't give in to media company pressure for terrible regulation that will help nobody (other than American content producers and VPN providers).

-Dave Campbell, Edmonton AB, Actual Human