Davis Jefferson

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This proposal does nothing to end users and only extends the possible overreach and control that the ISP's have with regards to censorship. The alleged complaints were clearly made by the big Canadian media companies (not to be mistaken with real independent media.) One large issue is the large media companies are owned by the major ISP's so that means there is a conflict of interest with how the dealings would be made on what shall, and shall not be enforced under the proposed act.

An ISP cannot punish a user because the ISP cannot prove that any copyright material has been fully downloaded in a form that would render the product.

Banning a single website must require court for the "offender" to appeal any claims as we all know, "innocent until proven guilty". Giving the ISP's control to ban whatever they like without legal process is unlawful.

IP spoofing is getting more common and users could be mistakenly labeled as offenders.

What if someone got unauthorized access to someone's wifi? Is the sole owner responsible for that? Obviously not. This would cause a false flag offender. This could be a way of abusing the system and cause grief "trolling" to home networks. Getting these false flags removed from an account would be cumbersome. Inconveniencing the end user.

Packet inspection is impossible to fully analyse without human interaction that is both time consuming, and time inefficient.

VPN services are getting more popular because of this exact draconian rules that are being forced upon users. There is nothing an ISP can see with a VPN active. ISP cannot also not ban VPN's as they cannot assume packet flow arbitrarily or in a biased way.

Please consider these points. This proposal needs to be scrapped as all it does is gives more control to the dying media companies in Canada. Stop pandering to the big companies and let the people make their own choices in which services they buy. Clearly if the media companies are losing money and they are desperate, than they are no longer relevant. Unplug the life support.

Davis Jefferson