Intellectual property in Canada

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Intellectual property in Canada
  Patent Trade secret Industrial design Trademark Copyright
Coverage New, useful and non-obvious invention Invention, business information Visual features of a product Source of goods or services Original literary, artistic, musical or dramatic work
Product, process, machine, chemical composition, use Business method, invention, recipe, manufacturing process Shape, configuration, pattern or ornament, or any combination of these features Word, design, taste, texture, moving image, mode of packaging, hologram, sound, scent, 3-dimensional shape or colour, or a combination of these features Software, sound recording, photograph, painting, web content, communication signal
Rights Exclude others from using, making or selling your invention No formal rights (contractual obligations) Exclude others from making, using, selling or importing something that uses your design Prevent others from using your trademark Prevent others from reproducing your original work
LocationFootnote * Canada Worldwide Canada Canada Worldwide
Duration Up to 20 years from date of filing As long as confidentiality is maintained Up to 15 years from date of filing 10 years (renewable) Life of creator + 70 years (in general)
Disclosure grace period 12 months No disclosure 12 months Not applicable Not applicable (automatic rights)

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Ⓒ Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,


Aussi offert en français sous le titre La propriété intellectuelle au Canada.