April 2024

Consumer Edge

Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA)

April 2024

In this edition of Consumer Edge, discover a new resource on comparing food prices, read a report about the Canadian approach for fighting spam and get inspired to make a commitment to sustainable consumption this Earth Day 2024.

Comparing Food Prices – Understanding Per Unit Pricing

Comparing two similar items in the store to make sure you're getting the best deal is a good idea. It can be simple to do when you're buying a shirt or a book but when you're purchasing food, it can be tough to tell if you're getting the best price for items sold by weight or volume, like coffee beans or juice.

The packaging of two items might be different and it might influence your decision-making about which one to buy, but you should also use the ingredients and price per unit information if it's displayed on the shelf label to compare the items.

And before your next trip to the grocery store, check out the OCA's new Per Unit Pricing page to discover what unit pricing is, how it can help you compare the cost of food items, and why the Government of Canada is deploying efforts to explore options for a Canadian approach to a standardized unit pricing label.

CASL Performance Measurement Report 2022-2023

Safeguarding Canadian businesses and consumers from the improper use of digital technology? Now that's a job for Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

New technologies have spurred new malicious cyber capabilities, but Canada is equipped with legislation to fight back. Check out the 2022-2023 CASL Performance Measurement Report to learn about the oversight and enforcement of CASL and the Government of Canada's recent efforts to prevent spam from landing in your inbox and jamming up your phone.

April 22 is Earth Day!

Earth Day isn't just a celebration of nature, it's a call to action to make conscious choices that benefit us all because they benefit our planet.

Pausing to reflect on the impact of our daily purchasing choices is one of the ways we can take action to continue to have a positive impact on the planet all year long.

Whether it's committing to repairing an electronic device instead of buying a new one or vowing to choose a green heating and cooling solution for replacing an old system in your home, your decision to make environmentally friendly purchasing choices matters.

Follow the global conversation this Earth Day by using the #EarthDay2024 hashtag on social media, and let's amplify our commitment to a healthier planet, together.

Consumer news spotlight:

Find more consumer-related information from the Government of Canada on the News for consumers page.