OECD Consumer detriment survey findings

Consumer detriment is the harm or loss that consumers experience.

The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)’s recent survey, included the findings of 1,000 Canadian consumers.

44% of respondents suffered a form of detriment in online transactions in the previous 12 months. Canada ranked on the low end of consumer detriment among the 13 countries surveyed, with only Norway, Germany, and Japan experiencing lower rates of consumer detriment on online purchases in the previous 12 months. In Canada, among those who experienced consumer detriment, their personal characteristics including age and educational attainment were as follows.

Canadian consumer detriment demographics

Pie chart44% of survey respondents suffered a form of detriment in online transactions in the previous 12 months.





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Pie chart illustrating that 44% of survey respondents suffered from a form of consumer detriment.

□	Âge		Canada (%) de 18 à 29	56 % de 30 à 64		44 % 65 ans et plus	30 %

The percentage of consumers who faced issues in e-commerce was highest among 18-29 year-olds.

A smaller number of 30-64 year-olds experienced consumer detriment while it was experienced at the lowest rate in the 65+ age bracket.




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Canada (%)

18 to 29


30 to 64


65 and older


► Alt Text: Educational attainment		Canada (%)  Low	43% Medium	40% High	47%

Canadians with the highest education levels in the study fell victims at the highest percentage of 47%.

43% of those with the lowest level of education fell victim and those with a medium level of education were least affected at 40%.



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Educational attainment

Canada (%)







Causes of consumer detriment

The top consumer detriment issues identified in the study were:

Invoicing, complaints handling, fake goods and breaches of contract terms and conditions had the lowest impact, but were still all encountered by over 10% of the online shoppers that had faced a problem.

► Alt Text: Cause of Detriment	Mean (%) Delivery	44% Problem with product	35% Price or tariff	21% Cancellations or returns	20% Payment or invoicing	16% Complaint handling	16% Scam or fake goods	12% Contract terms and conditions	11%


Text Version
Cause of Detriment Mean (%)
Delivery 44%
Problem with product 35%
Price or tariff 21%
Cancellations or returns 20%
Payment or invoicing 16%
Complaint handling 16%
Scam or fake goods 12%
Contract terms and conditions 11%

Consumer detriment per category

Detriment %

Within consumer purchasing categories, Canadian respondents most frequently encountered problems with clothing (including footwear, sporting goods and toys) as the category with the greatest number of e-commerce issues (31%).

Purchase %

The high share of issues related to purchases of clothing, footwear and sporting goods partly reflects that these products have also been more frequently purchased (65% of consumers).

On the other hand, while flights, train and car rentals were among the least frequently purchased product categories, at 0.62%, they still caused problems frequently.

► Alt Text: Category	Purchase %	Detriment % Clothing	65%	31% Food	40%	12% Bicycle, cars	5%	1% Computer equirement, consumer electronics, appliances	39%	11% Furniture, home acessories or gardening	30%	11% Personal care	43%	9% Printed media, CDs	31%	6% Medicine	19%	3% Telecommunication services	20%	3% Financial products	20%	2% Downloads, streaming	39%	2% Flights, train, car rental	6%	2% Entertainment events	9%	1% Household services	9%	1% Rideshare services	6%	1% Accommodation	13%	1% Electricity, water, heatin


Text Version
Category Purchase % Detriment %
Clothing 65% 31%
Food 40% 12%
Bicycle, cars 5% 1%
Computer equirement, consumer electronics, appliances 39% 11%
Furniture, home acessories or gardening 30% 11%
Personal care 43% 9%
Printed media, CDs 31% 6%
Medicine 19% 3%
Telecommunication services 20% 3%
Financial products 20% 2%
Downloads, streaming 39% 2%
Flights, train, car rental 6% 2%
Entertainment events 9% 1%
Household services 9% 1%
Rideshare services 6% 1%
Accommodation 13% 1%
Electricity, water, heating 13% 1%

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