Video gallery

Videos that showcase Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's programs and initiatives.

Also, check out our YouTube channel for more videos on consumer and business issues and science and technology.


Minister Bains celebrates Canada Learning Code Week

Duration: 2:28

Minister Bains celebrates Learning Code Week and highlights how the government is helping to provide young Canadians with the opportunity to acquire the digital skills to build new things, solve problems and create a better Canada.



Accessible Technology Program: Makers Making Change

Duration: 2:14

The Government of Canada's Accessible Technology Program is investing in initiatives like Makers Making Change, a platform that empowers Canadians with disabilities to fully participate in everyday life and the digital economy through assistive technologies.





Minister Bains encourages women and girls to #ChooseScience

Duration: 1:26

Minister Bains celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by talking about the importance of supporting women and girls in the STEM fields to drive innovation for a better future. When we encourage women and girls to #ChooseScience today, there’s no limit to what they can do tomorrow.