Business growth

Cover of report: Canadian Start-ups: Growth and Scale-up Transitions
Canadian Start-ups: Growth and Scale-up Transitions

This study presents a description of Canadian firm size transitions of start-ups by examining five cohorts of firm entrants during the period 2002 to 2006. The study used  the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File (NALMF) up to 2014 in order to observe those start-ups employment size transitions (scale ups and scale downs).

Cover: Access to capital for Canadian growth-oriented, medium-sized firms
Access to capital for Canadian growth-oriented, medium-sized firms

Informed by extensive interviews conducted with capital providers and corporate executives the following paper captures stakeholder insights into the state of Canada’s growth and transition capital markets, including: challenges inhibiting the availability of growth capital for medium-sized firms; common misperceptions concerning Canada’s growth capital and alternative risk financing markets; and the continued role of the BDC in this rapidly evolving market.

Cover: What Drives Firm Growth? A Quantile Regression Analysis on Canadian Small and Medium Enterprises
What Drives Firm Growth? A Quantile Regression Analysis on Canadian Small and Medium Enterprises

The main objective of this paper is to understand the factors that have an impact on firm growth, specifically on Canadian SMEs. The paper complements and enriches the empirical literature on the mechanism underlying firm growth. This research uses Statistics Canada’s Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2011 linked to administrative data. For this report, firm employment growth for the period 20112013 was studied.

Cover: High-Growth Firms Characteristics in Canada
High-Growth Firms Characteristics in Canada

The main objective of this study is to determine the factors that may have an impact on a firm's probability of becoming a high-growth firm (HGF). This analysis uses a sample over the period 2003–2012 of Canadian firms from a unique dataset, the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File, developed by Statistics Canada.

Cover: Canadian High-Growth SMEs and their Propensity to Invest in R&D and Export
Canadian High-Growth SMEs and their Propensity to Invest in R&D and Export

This research uses a unique set of survey data on Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), linked with administrative tax data, to explore 1) whether the R&D propensity of SMEs increases with exporting and high-growth, and 2) whether the export propensity of SMEs increases with R&D and high-growth.

Cover: SME Profile: Canadian Start-Ups — A perspective based upon the 2014 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, September 2018
SME Profile: Canadian Start-Ups — A perspective based upon the 2014 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

The report profiles Canadian start-ups by examining owner characteristics, access to financing, exporting, innovation and sales growth. It also compares the distinguishing features between start-ups and non-start-ups. The quantitative analysis is based upon the Statistics Canada's 2014 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Cover: Canadian New Firms: Birth and Survival Rates over the Period 2002–2014, May 2017
Canadian New Firms: Birth and Survival Rates over the Period 2002–2014

This report studies the characteristics and performance of newly established Canadian firms – including new firms birth rates, survival rates and employment levels – at their year of entry into the Canadian economy and for up to ten subsequent years. The study was based on 13 cohorts of new firms – one cohort for each year between 2002 and 2014.

Cover: The Contribution to Canadian Net Employment Change by High-Growth Firms, December 2017
The Contribution to Canadian Net Employment Change by High-Growth Firms

The main purpose of this paper is to present accurate data on the total net employment change for high-growth firms in Canada over the 2009–12 period, in relation to dimensions such as firm age, firm size and industry sector.

Cover of Comparing Different Measures of High-Growth Enterprises: A Canadian Case Study report
Comparing Measures of High-Growth Enterprises: A Canadian Case Study

This methodological study compares three measures of High-Growth Enterprises (HGEs). Specifically the authors have developed a new definition of HGEs, the Top Decile Approach, and have compared it to two different approaches widely used, the OECD-Eurostat and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Kink Point.

Cover of the Growth or Profitability First report
Growth or Profitability First?: The Case of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Canada

This study examine the relationship between a firm's growth and profitability for the period from 2006 to 2011. Among others, the study shows that human capital is a determining factor as it plays a positive role in a firm achieving superior performance in both growth and profitability.

Cover of the Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Growth Study: Actual vs. Sustainable Growth report
Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Growth Study: Actual vs. Sustainable Growth

This report seeks to identify any misalignment between SME actual growth rates and SME sustainable growth rates. Using the "Higgins Sustainable Growth Model," the analysis reveals that, over the 2000–10 period, Canadian SMEs had the financial infrastructure in place and normal earnings capacity to support a rate of growth in sales of approximately 7.3 percent per year without the need to raise additional financing.

Cover of the Growth Map Canadian Firms publication
Growth Map of Canadian Firms
(Special edition of Key Small Business Statistics)

This publication examines the distribution of all Canadian firms according to their growth rate (positive or negative) in terms of employment and revenue. An analysis by firm size and industry, as well as employment created and revenue generated by firms is also included. The section on the number of businesses in Canada has been updated.

Cover of the Profile of Growth Firms: A Summary of Industry Canada Research report
Profile of Growth Firms: A Summary of Industry Canada Research—Archived

The profile summarizes the research on growth firms completed by Industry Canada's Small Business Branch and highlights their contribution to job creation, by firm size, region and industry and discusses the factors for successful growth and survival.

Cover of The Growth Process in Firms: Job Creation by Firm Age report
The Growth Process in Firms: Job Creation by Firm Age—Archived

This fourth phase of the Growth Firms Project of Industry Canada's Small Business Branch examines job creation and firm turnover at the national level over the 1993-2003 period and compares the results with earlier findings that covered the 1985 to 1999 period.

Cover of the Growth Firms Workshop Synopsis report
Growth Firms Workshop Synopsis—Archived

This project aims to improve our understanding of the dynamics of economic growth using a firm-level longitudinal database to investigate which types of firms provide growth, their contribution to job creation, the barriers to growth and the areas where governments can make a contribution.

Cover of the Growth Firms Project: Phase II report
Growth Firms Project: Phase II Report—Archived

Phase II of the Growth Firms project builds on the work done in Phase I by completing additional tabulations. The work in Phase II focussed on employment growth by firm age, the growth of start-ups and firm exits.

Cover of the Growth Firms Project: Key Findings report
Growth Firms Project: Key Findings—Archived

The Small Business Branch has completed the first phase of an analysis of growth firms in Canada. The analysis provides answers to questions about which firms grow, who are the engines of growth and what their impact on creating employment has been.

Fast facts

In 2022, there are 1.22 million SMEs in Canada that have employees.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

97.8% of businesses in Canada have fewer than 100 employees.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

Between 2016 and 2020, on average, 101,921 businesses were created every year and 96,548  disappeared.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

In 2022, private sector SMEs employ around 8 million people in Canada.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

22% of SMEs operate in goods-producing industries and 78% of SMEs operate in service industries.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

SMEs were responsible for $293 billion (40.8%) of Canada's total value of goods exports in 2022.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

2.6% of firms with 10 employees or more were high-growth firms in 2020.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

SMEs contributed 49% of Canada's GDP in 2020.
Source: Key Small Business Statistics

12.1% of SMEs exported goods and services in 2020.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

The likelihood of exporting increases with business size.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

The primary decision maker of 47% of SMEs is between 50 and 64 years old.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

16.8% of SMEs were majority-women owned in 2020.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

25% of SMEs are operated by individuals with a bachelor's degree, while 15% are operated by individuals with a master's degree or above.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

28% of SMEs innovated between 2018 and 2020.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

16% of SMEs held intellectual property in 2020.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

82% of SMEs requested external financing in 2020.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

92% of the amount of debt financing requested by SMEs was authorized.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

2% of SMEs imported services from outside Canada.
Source: 2020 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises