Telecommunications policy

Communications is a multi-billion dollar industry in Canada, driving innovation, economic growth and connectedness across the country. It encompasses wired and wireless voice, data services, broadcast distribution and forms of new media like social networking and online video. The goal of telecommunications policy is to ensure a competitive and innovative telecommunications industry that meets the needs of Canadian consumers and businesses.

The Telecommunications Policy Branch of the Strategic Policy Sector (SPS) formulates policies, recommendations, regulations and legislation that govern and promote the development, efficient operation and competitiveness of the telecommunications facilities and services required by Canadians for national and international communications, including the present and future use of the radio frequency spectrum.

The Branch also assumes policy development, coordination and representational functions in multilateral and bilateral telecommunications negotiations; develops business and regulatory policy proposals affecting the telecommunications industry, new media and the Internet, including regulatory reform proposals; and develops analysis and recommendations respecting the possible review of regulatory decisions by the Governor in Council.

Telecommunications policy encompasses


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